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$ ./archives
EPNM: access spurs
3000 days!
weeknotes 110: toy plugin
weeknotes 109: gamification
weeknotes 108: mostly terrible
weeknotes 107: you're a woman, i'm a machine
weeknotes 106: bookshops
weeknotes 105: sporty spice
weeknotes 104: buzzer puzzle
weeknotes 101: plotting projects
weeknotes 100: housekeeping
weeknotes 99: penguin photos
weeknotes 98: notes
data pipeline plans
weeknotes 97: what weeknotes is it?
The Glitch Gallery: Neon Giraffe
extrapolating the edges of a bounding box (Leaflet)
weeknotes 70: tokyo
weeknotes 69: redesigning
weeknotes 68: conclusions and introductions
weeknotes 67: slime network
weeknotes 66: memory lane
weeknotes 65: internet infrastructure
weeknotes 64: torrential rain
weeknotes 63: capturing
weeknotes 62: archiving starred items
weeknotes 61: an innocuous footbridge
weeknotes 60: epoch
Goode Homolosine projection in QGIS
I added a changelog page to my website
weeknotes: week 18
quick and dirty method to count vertices with ogrinfo
extrapolating the edges of a bounding box (QGIS)
weeknotes: week 16
weeknotes: week 14
weeknotes: week 12
weeknotes: week 11
Spilhaus World Ocean Map
QGIS Plugin: MapSwipe Tool
systems, processes, and tools
weeknotes: week 10
weeknotes: week 09
ye olde Street View
30DayMapChallenge 2022
weeknotes: twenty maps later...
weeknotes: week 42
weeknotes: week 41
X-Clacks-Overhead: GNU Terry Prachett
weeknotes: some BCS conference notes and 30DayMapChallenge
weeknotes: osgav redesign
weeknotes: week 37
critical cartographer: 1
UK Freight Transport System
weeknotes: week 36
weeknotes: week 35
GEOG 868: Jen and Barry's Site Selection
weeknotes: week 34
A map of Melbourne
weeknotes: week 33
GEOG 868: Mapping the Class Roster
weeknotes: ST_FirstSpatialQueries
weeknotes: more NASA
weeknotes: UFOs and NASA
UFO Investigation Organization
SQLite database WHERE clause condition not filtering rows
weeknotes: SQL, basemaps, and old atlases
weeknotes: GIS 101
Exploring GIS
A map of Swellendam
Hello (GIS) World!
My ever changing notetaking system
PC Build 005: is it Build Day yet?
PC Build 004: Powered by Seasonic
PC Build 003: bundle of joy
PC Build 002: passive research
PC Build 001: bought a Thermaltake Core V21 case
P.A.R.A. and Zettelkasten Experiment: My Conclusion
I Migrated to Obsidian
GNU Terry Pratchett through the Looking Glasses
RandomNote for Joplin
OneNote vs Joplin
P.A.R.A. and Zettelkasten Experiment
Mermaid Diagrams
operation not possible due to rf-kill hard blocked
Fix Rundeck Export Archive
Datadog on Raspberry Pi: Enabling Network and Process Metrics
Hugo TravisCI Pipeline Broken?
Recent Ansible Adventures
RIPE Atlas Network
Rundeck on AWS Part II: Ansible
hugo --> AWS --> https://osgav.run
Rundeck on AWS Part I: CloudFormation
hugo --> https://osgav.run
$ whois osgav