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weeknotes 97: what weeknotes is it?

·1 min
  • i haven’t wrote a weeknotes post for months, so i wrote the script i knew i’d inevitably write to tell me what week number i should use, as per my new naming convention described in weeknotes 60
  • i’ve started following along with 30DaysOfQGIS from Spatial Thoughts as lately i don’t feel like i’ve spent enough time doing stuff in QGIS, so this should tend to that
  • implemented “collections” logic on – now the “blog” vs “weeknotes” split on my homepage is powered by a collections frontmatter key rather than the type one. the theory behind doing this is i can link sets of posts together and call them a collection or series (or just call them categories, the classic accompaniment to tags) and then have links to “other posts in this collection” at the side of a blog post. adds a form of discoverability to things without me having to explicitly link to related posts. not implemented that bit yet though. coming soon™
$ python build/

use weeknotes-97 for Wednesday 15 May 2024      [1 days ago]

today is Thursday 16 May 2024

use weeknotes-98 for Wednesday 22 May 2024      [6 days away]

jumanji what year is it