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weeknotes 107: you're a woman, i'm a machine

·1 min
  • the flat hunt is complete! woohoo! next stop, moving day
  • so very glad the flat viewings will cease. there were fun days, but also tiring days. i’m really happy with the flat my brother will be moving into, it will suit him down to the ground
  • saw Death From Above 1979 in Glasgow last week and it was damn good – the 20 year anniversary of You’re a Woman, I’m a Machine so they just played the album start to finish, and then some new tunes i’m less familiar with afterwards
  • had some dinner at Buck’s Bar before the gig and was defeated, in the sense i had to use a knife and fork to consume the burger, i felt shame, very tasty though
  • started the PyQGISChallenge from Spatial Thoughts – the same idea as 30DaysOfQGIS in May, but this time going through the PyQGIS course materials

weeknotes 98: notes

·1 min
  • created a new “notes” section on my website. i don’t know exactly how i intend to use it yet, i just know i’ve occasionally wanted to refer to one of my obsidian notes in a blog post. but i don’t want to create a separate blog post for the note to do that, and my “lab” section doesn’t feel like the right place either (its kinda more for technical stuff). i guess the gist of it is i’ll slowly turn some private notes into public notes.
  • made some plans for a series of projects and blogged about it: data pipeline plans
  • worked on my geolab database bootstrap scripts, per my data pipeline plans.
  • played around with Model Builder in QGIS for the first time (via 30DaysOfQGIS). i like it.

weeknotes 97: what weeknotes is it?

·1 min
  • i haven’t wrote a weeknotes post for months, so i wrote the script i knew i’d inevitably write to tell me what week number i should use, as per my new naming convention described in weeknotes 60
  • i’ve started following along with 30DaysOfQGIS from Spatial Thoughts as lately i don’t feel like i’ve spent enough time doing stuff in QGIS, so this should tend to that
  • implemented “collections” logic on – now the “blog” vs “weeknotes” split on my homepage is powered by a collections frontmatter key rather than the type one. the theory behind doing this is i can link sets of posts together and call them a collection or series (or just call them categories, the classic accompaniment to tags) and then have links to “other posts in this collection” at the side of a blog post. adds a form of discoverability to things without me having to explicitly link to related posts. not implemented that bit yet though. coming soon™
$ python build/

use weeknotes-97 for Wednesday 15 May 2024      [1 days ago]

today is Thursday 16 May 2024

use weeknotes-98 for Wednesday 22 May 2024      [6 days away]

jumanji what year is it

weeknotes: week 11

Things I got up to in the last week:

And some more words about a few of those…

GEOG 868: Mapping the Class Roster

class roster map

In Lesson 3 of GEOG 868 I played around with PostgreSQL and PostGIS for the first time. For the project at the end you are given a class_roster.txt file that contains a list of students and their postal codes. The task was to join that with data provided earlier in the lesson and then plot the students’ locations on a map in QGIS. Here’s how I went about doing that.