- blog/
$ whois osgav
Table of Contents
osgav.run #
is my personal blog - a place for me to ramble and write about projects I’m working on. Historically I’ve not been an avid blogger, but this changes now! Starting with a shiny new lightweight blogging framework and polished writing and publishing workflow…
So who am I? And what do I do?
gavin mcgough #
I’ve been interested in computers and the internet for a little over a decade, began “studying” them about 9 years ago and in the last few years started a career in Operations…
As a Global Availability & Performance Engineer, or more generally a Systems Engineer, I find myself using a multitude of web portals, tools and API integrations to monitor, analyze and optimize the health of a high traffic global travel search engine: Skyscanner
This engine is comprised of various website, API and backend systems. There are different systems for monitoring the operation (CDN & GLB), availability, performance (RUM & APM), OS metrics and business KPIs across all of these. My team are the administrators for the availability and performance systems, and we work on creating Global Health views across all of these systems - also integrating with alerting solutions - to give the developers building and running them a better idea of how their products are performing.
We are a fairly small team spread across the globe, with a couple of engineers on the 24/7 support rota and another two engineers in HQ doing in-hours support. We always have some BI analysts nearby, and a familiar selection of 24/7 support engineers but generally work with anyone and everyone from Engineering and some other business areas such as Growth and Employee & Developer Enablement.