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Hugo Build and Publish Workflow

·5 mins

created: 11/06/2016
updated: 12/06/2016

building #

To make building and previewing changes locally easier, I wrote a couple of short scripts. For context, I run the hugo commands inside a vagrant virtual machine (linux) and access the site using a web browser on the host machine (windows).

In the source for my hugo site, I have a hugo folder for these scripts. This makes running them similar to invoking the hugo command itself:

$ ls -1 osgav

$ tree osgav/hugo/
├── build-public
├── serve
└── serve-withdrafts

$ ./hugo/serve
$ ./hugo/build-public

As mentioned in Hugo Markdown Cheatsheet, if you run hugo server with the parameter --buildDrafts then any posts or pages where draft = true will also be published to the blog on the local hugo server.

The --buildDrafts parameter is the only difference between the serve and serve-withdrafts scripts.

Both the serve and build-public scripts ignore drafts, so I can use serve first to preview what will be generated after I run build-public.

Until I take a look at live reloading, this let’s me do the following to make changes and preview them - my build workflow:

$ vi content/page/
<make edits>
$ ./hugo/serve-withdrafts
Press Ctrl+C to stop
<preview changes>
<ctrl+c to stop hugo server>


With live reload I shouldn’t need to stop the server to make changes - simply saving changes and refreshing the page in the browser will be enough.

I use a mixture of vi and Sublime - I suspect I may use Sublime more once I configure live reload… Wrong! LiveReload is already enabled by default, but hugo server only seems to be able to detect changes to files made from inside my virtual machine - using Sublime on the host isn’t detected, so the page is not reloaded…

what’s in the scripts? #

The serve scripts also use the hugo server parameters --port --bind & --baseURL which let me correctly serve the site from my vagrant virtual machine and make it accessible to the host (1313 is actually the default port, is required or else its only accessible inside the virtual machine - this is the virtual machine’s IP on a Host-only Network that the host is also connected to. overrides the value specified in config.toml that contains the site’s public domain).

hugo server --theme=casper \
--port=1313 \
--bind= \

The only difference is --buildDrafts \

hugo server --theme=casper \
--buildDrafts \
--port=1313 \

The build-public script also adds a CNAME file to the root of the output directory public. This file contains which enables GitHub Pages to serve from a custom domain once its being served from the correct place in GitHub.

hugo --theme=casper

# add CNAME file to public
touch public/CNAME
echo "" > public/CNAME

publishing #

I haven’t scripted the publishing steps yet - need to rename some things for better structuring - like cleanly deploying another hugo site in another repo’s gh-pages branch or simply not messing up this site…

So my build workflow has advanced a little since the beginning of this tale and some renaming has taken place as I hinted at above. With LiveReload now working (just a hitch with how I was editing my files) and another couple of scripts (one that swallows up build-public) the build and publish workflow looks something like this:

  • Creating new content or editing drafts –>
$ cd osgav-source
$ ./hugo/01-serve-withdrafts
<open another terminal>
$ vagrant ssh
$ cd /vagrant/workbench/osgav-source
$ hugo -t casper new post/
$ vi content/post/
<update content and save>

With the vi terminal on one side of the screen and a web browser on the other, I can see the changes immediately after :w in vi. Really awesome!

And to publish that new content live, we follow the same workflow as below… if I run 02-serve I will no longer see my cheatsheet, but if I notice the latest post isn’t there I can use the hugo undraft command and it’ll appear immediately.

  • Simple update to live page like updating an image or a typo –>
<edit image accordingly and save it>
<if image filename has changed, update posts/pages referencing filename>
<update posts/pages with typo>
$ ./hugo/02-serve # to preview locally if necessary (unlikey for typo)
$ ./hugo/03-publish-stage
$ ./hugo/04-publish-prod "update typo in recent post"
what’s in the scripts now? #
$ tree hugo
├── 01-serve-withdrafts
├── 02-serve
├── 03-publish-stage
└── 04-publish-prod

So where did the build-public script go? It’s purpose, described above, is in fact the first step towards publishing. You can test all of the site completely locally with hugo server without having to build the public directory. As such it made sense to include its commands in a more complete script: 03-publish-stage


# delete old 'public' build
rm -rf public/

echo -e "\n--------------------------------------------------\n"
echo -e "building hugo site --> public\n"

hugo --theme=casper

echo -e "\n--------------------------------------------------\n"
echo "adding CNAME for"
touch public/CNAME
echo "" > public/CNAME

echo -e "copying hugo site public --> osgav-root-public\n"
rm -rf ../osgav-root-public/*
cp -r public/* ../osgav-root-public/

echo -e "\n--------------------------------------------------\n"
echo -e "$ git status osgav-root-public\n"

cd ../osgav-root-public
git status

echo -e "\n--------------------------------------------------\n"

./hugo/04-publish-prod "commit message!"
The 04-publish-prod script is the only one that takes an argument - the commit message to be used for the git commit command. It also shows you the same git status output as 03-publish-stage so you have another chance to sanity check what you’re pushing before you publish.


function pause(){
        read -sp "$*"

echo -e "\n---------------------------------------------\n"
echo "$ git status osgav-root-public"
echo -e "\n---------------------------------------------\n"

cd ../osgav-root-public
git status

echo -e "\n---------------------------------------------\n"
echo "Hit [Enter] to continue with:"
echo "$ git add --all"
echo "$ git commit -am \"$1\""
echo "$ git push origin master"
echo ""
pause "Are you sure?"
echo -e "\n\n---------------------------------------------\n"

git add --all
git commit -am "$1"
git push origin master

echo -e "\n---------------------------------------------\n"
echo "updated published!"
echo -e "\n---------------------------------------------\n"

As you can see I’ve also numbered the scripts so it is obvious which order they should be getting used in. I still have some steps to add here - don’t want osgav-source to get out of sync. Currently I’ve been catching it up manually meaning more than 1 commit to the site could be reverted if I checkout the previous version of the source. Not so great!