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weeknotes: more NASA

A bit of a lull in GEOG 868 progress in the last week, as I crammed the prerequisites for the NASA ARSET course I mentioned last week.

I attended the first session yesterday and enjoyed my second bout of playing with Google Earth Engine (GEE), having played with it briefly during one of the prerequisite courses. The remaining sessions are on the 4th, 9th and 11th August, with a homework assignment due by the 25th. There is plenty to learn about the world of remote sensing, to say the least, but I won’t be spending too much time focused on it just now. If / when I decide to take my Oxford Uni assignment any further then I’ll revisit this stuff. For now I shall be turning my focus back to my spatial database management course.

weeknotes: GIS 101

·2 mins

So I’ve decided to give weeknotes a go.

What are weeknotes?

At the most basic level they are posts on someone’s blog that generally appear each week. What about a level up from that? Well, they tend to contain some account of what the author of the post got up to in the last week. That might take the form of a detailed list of activities, such as events attended, work completed, or personal endeavours enjoyed. It might also be more reflective, a form of journaling, how things in the last week made one feel. Indeed a weeknote could be a mixture of those things, and more, or less. They are whatever the author makes of them.

I’m going to give them a go, at least for a little while, as a way to encourage myself to write about what I’m getting up with regards to exploring the world of GIS.

Exploring GIS

·2 mins

I’ve been exploring the world of GIS for a few months now, and it wouldn’t be unreasonable to say I’ve been taking notes in a similar manner to this dog drinking from a hose: