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weeknotes 106: bookshops

·1 min
  • added my phone to my Tailscale network so i can test web maps on mobile more effectively – this was spurred by noticing 100vh as a height unit in my CSS didn’t behave as expected on mobile vs Responsive Design Mode in my web browser (it turns out 100dvh is what i was after)
  • did a little more work on my new Edinburgh Bookshops web map and uploaded it to (that link might break in the future… if it has you can probably find the map via my portfolio)
  • started tinkering with customizing the protomaps basemap
  • continued helping my brother with his flat hunt

weeknotes 64: torrential rain

Stuff from the last week:

I’ve been running through my ankiboxes and considering the purposes of my different IW queues and associated ankiboxes a little more closely.

I redesigned part of my homepage. The “recent feed” part now has two columns – one for blog posts and another for weeknotes. Both of these things live under the /blog/ section of my site but I figured out a way to list them separately as well as altogether, as demonstrated by my new homepage and my new index pages: blog.html and weeknotes.html and archives.html

I started a new lab page – my first since 2019 apparently – for “geolab” my personal PostGIS server. I’ll be adding to this incrementally as I refine my slightly messier note I’ve been working on for the last few weeks.

I managed to get caught in torrential rain twice in the last week. The second time I was slightly more prepared and had an umbrella, but honestly I didn’t end up that much better off ha!

weeknotes: week 10

Things I’ve gotten up to since my last weeknotes:

A few more words about each of those…