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geolab: PostGIS Server Manual

·3 mins

created: 26/09/2023
updated: 16/04/2024

start/stop PostgreSQL server #

sudo systemctl start postgresql
sudo systemctl stop postgresql

check PostgreSQL version #

you can check the PostgreSQL server version from the command line with:

postgres --version

connect to server with psql #

as superadmin postgres:

psql -h localhost -U postgres -W postgres
psql (13.4)
Type "help" for help.

  • -h for hostname
  • -U for username
  • -W to prompt for password
  • postgres at the end is the name of the database to connect to

psql commands #

  • \? to display psql commands help
  • \dg to list roles to see other users you can login as
  • \l to list databases to see other databases you can connect to
  • \c mydb to connect to a database called “mydb”
  • \dn to list schemas in the current database
  • \dt myschema.* to list tables in the schema called “myschema”
  • \dv to list views

update the search_path to have \dt list tables in your schema without specifying it:

SET search_path TO myschema, public;
SHOW search_path;

check which role you currently are #

SELECT current_user;  -- user name of current execution context
SELECT session_user;  -- session user name

current_user will change if you use SET ROLE something;

session_user will show who you connected to the database as


create new PostGIS database #

as superadmin postgres:

postgres=# CREATE DATABASE mydb OWNER postgres;
postgres=# \c mydb
You are now connected to database "mydb" as user "postgres".
mydb=# CREATE EXTENSION postgis;

check PostGIS version #

mydb=# SELECT postgis_full_version();

create schema #


schema naming convention #

(work in progress)

SOURCE schemas #

  • are for new external datasets
  • name should be based on data provider
  • name should be prefixed with double underscore __
  • should almost always have an associated topic schema
    • which exists to give a meaningful name to the dataset
    • and should contain at least one view pointed at the source schema

TOPIC schemas #

  • are for new datasets created by you
  • or to provide a meaningful name for a source schema
  • name should represent the subject or theme of the data inside
  • projects can create things in here
    • but not if it involves joining data from outside the schema

PROJECT schemas #

  • are for projects that want to join data from different schemas
  • name should be prefixed with single underscore _

create table with geometry column #

CREATE TABLE schema.table
gid serial,
name character varying(50),
SELECT AddGeometryColumn('schema', 'table', 'geom', 4326, 'POINT', 2);
  • geom is the name of the new geometry column you’re adding
  • 4326 is the SRID for WGS84, geographic coordinate reference system (lat / lon)
  • 2 is for a column storing X and Y coordinates
  • 3 would be for storing X, Y and Z coordinates (or X, Y and M if type is POINTM)