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raspberry pi

weeknotes 104: buzzer puzzle

·1 min

where was i again? ah yes. taking a raspberry pi project off the backburner and contemplating new projects as always. for the last few weeks i’ve been largely consumed by helping my brother with an unexpected flat hunt. it may or may not be nearing the end, next week should decide that. i am hopeful. i have viewed many flats and completed many buzzer puzzles (i should have taken a picture of the most cryptic one, alas i did not). i don’t relish the thought of more flat viewings but if needs must then flats i will view.

the space for my new raspberry pi has been prepared, but the raspberry pi is yet to move in. it will be a new neighbour for my raspberry pi that supplies power to my RIPE Atlas Probe. i’m sure they’ll get on great. more to come on the new raspberry pi soon, hopefully.

weeknotes 101: plotting projects

·1 min
  • finished up 30DaysOfQGIS! it was a lot of fun. 10/10 recommend for people interested in QGIS. i’m now plotting projects where i can play around with the Model Designer some more.
  • made some progress on a RPi-based homelab project i’ve had on the backburner for ages, by way of acquiring an RPi4 and beginning to prepare the space in which it will live
  • played around with scrapy a little bit
  • collected my recent geolab-related pages into a portfolio page

RIPE Atlas Network

RIPE Atlas Network #

Probes connected to RIPE Atlas: 9364
Measurements currently running: 11719
Results collected per second: 4082

A couple of months ago I stumbled across an interesting blog post about the RIPE Atlas Network - a global network of probes that measure Internet connectivity and reachability - and was very intrigued to discover this was something I could join, both physically and virtually by obtaining an Atlas probe and completing a typical account registration…