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Mermaid Diagrams on Hugo

·2 mins

created: 19/01/2019
updated: 19/01/2019

how do you get Mermaid diagrams on a Hugo blog #

1 #

Under themes/casper/layouts/ I created a shortcodes folder (I didn’t have one already, you might) and added mermaid.html:

<script src="/js/mermaid_dist_8.0.0-rc.6.js"></script>
<div class="mermaid">
{{ .Inner }}
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Then under themes/casper/static/js/ I added the mermaid_dist_8.0.0-rc.6.js file referenced in the snippet above (Mermaid JS itself came from here)

tada #

I didn’t figure any of this out I was inspired by this excellent person who had already described how they added Mermaid to their Hugo site.

Though I did have to fiddle around with a couple of aspects as I couldn’t see tjheeta’s source on github, only the public versions, they were:

  • using < mermaid > rather than % mermaid % inside the {{ }} shortcode braces (% adds <p> where I didn’t want any)
  • adding semicolons to the ends of (certain) lines before mermaid diagram would render - this was unexpected based on my experience of not requiring semicolons when adding a Mermaid diagram in Grafana (in fact, this relates to mermaid version, and semicolons are not required in the version on my blog)
oops #

Later, as I added more and more diagrams to my blog post, I eventually noticed the page was taking longer and longer to render with each new diagram. It then occurred to me with the snippet above I was inserting the script tag every time there was a diagram, causing the page to download the (2.61MB!) mermaid JS file multiple times.

To remedy this I split the shortcode up as follows:


themes/casper/layouts/shortcodes/mermaid.html and
< mermaid > for every diagram


themes/casper/layouts/shortcodes/mermaid/source.html and
< mermaid/source > once at beginning of post

themes/casper/layouts/shortcodes/mermaid/diagram.html and
< mermaid/diagram > for each diagram